Let's get booking!
You've signed up! Yay!!
For the best booking experience, please click below to download the
my PilatesSTRONG app. Then check your email to complete your profile. Login on the app to view our class schedules and get booking!
Haven't claimed a Membership yet?
Pick an option below and let's get you sorted!
C U R R E N T S C H E D U L E **
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
930 600 900 600 800 900 830
1030 900 1000 700 900 1000 930
1000 1100 800 1000 1100 1100
1100 330 900 1100 430
430 430 1000 430
530 530 400 530
630 630 530 630
**Subject to change. Please see app for most up-to-date info.
Intro Classes circled in red.
With 37+ classes weekly, Monday thru Sunday, we are here to help you achieve your fitness goals!
Class START times vary from
6.00am to 6.30pm
and are arranged in "blocks" - morning, lunch, late afternoon. Each day is a little different.
Please use the links above to download our app and view our most current details and times.​